Monday 3 April 2017

Little note and video.

Yo guys! My name is Sean and just to say, I love to play the piano and I love to record on my tablet so I will still do blogs but use this website to show my piano skills. Here is the first on...




Hello everybody. Just a little note, In the last blog, I put some videos from my YouTube account which is just my name    Sean Seresinhe. That is it! I hope you enjoy this blog...

It all started when I landed in London. I knew that on the next day I would have an operations. This was my first operation so I was so apprehensive that I will be taken into surgery.😷 I never knew my injury will be this bad.

The doctors said I could not eat on the day until the operation was over. Before, I were allowed to drink water at 6:00 in the morning! I was awake at 5:00 in the morning. Luckily I drank some water. At 7:00, we left to the hospital.  

We were at the hospital six hours early. We were first shown to a surgeon who showed us the sleeping pills. Then we were taken to the ward near the theatre.  It took us some time to get to the theatres but I was fast asleep when we reached it.

I never knew what was happening which made me less frightened when I noticed I will be fast asleep. 

When I woke up, I realised that I had a new cast which was very uncomfortable which I hated very much. The nurse said that I will need to stay overnight. I hate staying at a hospital overnight! I was so hungry but luckily I could eat eventually. 

When I woke up, I was seen by the doctor and said, "You will need to have another operation soon!!"

On the other day of the operation, we were expecting to not have the cast but I did. I was very annoyed.

About a week later, we learnt I could be my normal self. I now could see a scar. I showed my friend and the were very scared.

Well I guess that is it and SEE YOU LATER.


Saturday 11 February 2017

My injury! AND Sri Lanka!

                                                      MY INJURY! AND Sri Lanka

Hello! This is my sad story about my broken bone which happened on 31st October 2016.  Hope you enjoy it.

It all started when I was watching a story about a man who went rock climbing on my television. I was on my own so I decided to to do the same thing and jumped off the sofa!Sadly, I was in my school clothes so my legs got trapped and I lost my balance so I fell.😭

I was in pain and my Mum was having a lesson. At the same time, my Dad was working upstairs. I needed to interrupt my Mum and said how I fell. My mum said that I needed to go to hospital. My Dad drove us to hospital and the doctor said, " Your hand is swollen so much, it could be a fracture. After some time, they said they will put it on a plaster cast and will see if it is broken. Sadly, we did not know if it was broken or not...

The next week, we saw a doctor and she said it was fractured. We were very sad. The worst part, I had a piano concert to do!

I honestly found that very annoying. I was very upset. When I went to the doctors, they told me to wear a new cast and sling.In my opinion, the cast was very sturdy but the sling was very uncomfortable.😧 Here is a video you can find on YouTube

On the day of the concert, I decided to do a duet because I could not play with one hand. It sounded very nice. I really happy with myself. 😄 Here is a video of me on the piano and the speech I did!

Next,we were going to Sri Lanka. I had to go to school first which I enjoyed! Then at about 4:15, we took a taxi to go to the airport.

 It was crowded so I was very careful with my fragile arm. We went to the lounge. The food was Indian style because we went on Emirates. I enjoy Emirates because they have very nice food.

 Then, we had to board the aircraft. I was excited because it was an Airbus A380. How cool is that? When we took off, I thought it could hurt my hand as I needed to be cautious because it goes at a fast speed. Luckily, I was fine! At the blink of an eye, we were in the air. Before that, my Mum gave me a book to write and I started writing on the flight even though I had a broken bone. I kept a diary of my holiday.

 I was SO tired so I slept.✈ When I woke up, we were landing in Dubai.

After we landed, the first thing I said was,"Why is it so hot?" It was boiling! Luckily I was only there for an hour. We were very hungry after a seven hour flight!We decided to have a drink and some food. At this time it was midday in Dubai.

One hour later, we had to catch our next flight. After take off, I started to watch a film which I enjoyed. After I watched the film I nodded off and slept well.

 I then woke up and we were  in Sri Lanka! I love Sri Lanka because it is where my grandparents live. Also, because of my arm, we decided to keep our travels to a minimum. Luckily my Grandfather is a doctor which helps in case my wound infects or something bad happens.

There was a HUGE traffic jam which took more than an hour to move. I was very fustrated about that. Finally after some time, we made it to my uncle's and Grandfather's house. I felt relieved that I was in Sri Lanka after school work.

For a little while, I had jet lag. I recovered after sleeping well. My Mum wanted some sleep before we went to a restaurant for dinner. After two hours of sleeping, we had a shower, got dressed and went in the car.

The food was Sri Lankan  which I don't like but I LOVED IT! I found it very tasty but spicy. I loved the rich flavours within the food. I loved the quantity they put on the plate. I enjoyed everything!

Then I felt very  tired so we went back to my Grandfather's house and went to bed

The next day, I had an amazing breakfast and just chilled out! We did't do a thing apart from meeting Grandma and Grandpa in the night. It was great to see them and to have dinner together. We then went home and got some sleep.

The next day, we went to a hotel called Kingsbury. We stayed for two nights and I loved it! On our floor, there was a little, private room where we could have some food . Sadly, I could not swim in the  pool because of my arm.

Next day, it was CHRISTMAS and I love Christmas! It is a great time to celebrate.

Then on the next day, we had to leave. I felt sad to leave the hotel. We then came back to my Uncle's have lunch. It was tasty. We then went to another hotel to have a Thai dinner. I loved it so much! We then went back home and slept.

On most days, we did nothing so I will skip some days.

After 6 days, we went to another hotel  which was from Jetwing. We had to go to Galle which was not that far away from our home.Then when we reached the hotel, it was raining cats and dogs!

Eventually, it stopped and it was time to go and check in.  I enjoyed the food very much and loved the entertainment as somebody put fire on their body and inside their mouth without water! That is crazy!

We had to go back, for New Year and to meet cousin. On the 31 of Dec, we got the crackers and other materials for the 1st! Here is a video of my cousin playing with me. He is GOOD FUN!

On the day, I met with Grandma and Grandpa again.We had dinner together.

I could hear music in the background and crackers in the horizon. You could hear lots of noises.

Just then, we were ready for the crackers and the count down. We saw fireworks. Here is a video from BBC.

Then, we needed to go back to the UK. I was very sad to leave but had to have an operation on my arm.We said our goodbyes and left to the airport.

We then went to the lounge and had some food. It was very tasty.Then we boarded our flight and it took off. I watched some films and went to sleep. Then we were in Dubai and went straight to the UK flight. I nodded off again and woke up in Dear Old Blighty!!

I found it very cold but it was good to be back!

I am going to stop here.⛔

In the next blog, I will talk about my operations.  BYE!!!!!!

Sunday 20 November 2016

How can children save the planet? SOHP


Have you ever thought are world is full of dirt and oil? If you have, please carry on. This is all about WE NEED TO SAVE OUR PLANET! If you think the same here are some top tips about how to save our planet…..
PS SOHP stands for save our healthy planet!
1: Most of the time walk or ride your bicycle. This is because using a car can create POLLUTION. If we have pollution, we could easily die! We don’t want that! The reason I said a bicycle is because it is very easy to ride and is very healthy.
2: Do not cut down trees. This is because we need Oxygen to survive. Even though we need paper for are education, we can save paper and re use it every day!
3: Do not use electricity of it is not necessary. If you keep it on for so long there could be a fire in your house so be very careful when using electricity! Also when there is a fire, it could spread quickly. Wasting electricity creates  pollution.
4:Do not litter. Nearly 3 quarters of  people around the world litter! If you litter, we would have a dirty world for are  whole life  and will not survive for long.

5: Give money to the poor so they can afford education and go to school. They can also afford computers and get to the internet.If we do not have education, I would not be writing this!

I hope I have inspired you to do all these things every day. Please help our world and  we will live in a better place. BYEEEE

Do you agree or disagree? Please leave a comment comment about which one you think!!!   

Friday 12 August 2016

Ride London 2016!

Ride London 2016! 

Note: I am so sorry I have been very quiet. The reason, is I have had to do all my homework ... I will now try to do it daily and will make it better! I hope you enjoy it!

It will be the BEST DAY EVER! I am doing Ride London 2016! Ride London is a day when they close the roads and let cyclists ride in London! It was very exciting!
Full of excitement, I woke up at 6:00 a.m!

I was so excited but tiered! I was so excited I vomited because i was sick ! After a while I needed to brush my teeth and have a wash. I then needed to put my shoes on. We then went with my bike,
Thunder blue!  We reached the station and had to wait for a short time!

After ten minuets, we got on the train. I wanted to have a sip of coke but dad said no because I needed to save it till we reached Ride London! Twenty minutes later we reached London! It was a bit of a long walk before we reached Ride London. The lovely sound of music was buzzing all over London so I danced a long. We finally reached Ride London!

I was so glad when we started cycling! I then hit the road! We then saw a humongous sign which said Prudential Ride London. It looked like a starting line for racing. The first iconic building we saw was Buckingham Palace. We then rode for about 5 minuets until we saw the first Festival Zone.

A Festival Zone is a place where riders can take a short brake. There is lovely music and engaging activities to keep riders amazed and entertained!

 I then felt ever so slightly tired but I wanted to carry on. I could get the appetising smell of some fabulous food, it made my tummy grumble. After some time I wanted some Coke (I LOVE COKE!). We then had to find the nearest stop so that I could have a drink. We then took a short brake.

I was riding like the wind! I was overtaking cyclists a lot! I then saw the Gherkin. It looked extremely tall! I was gobsmacked!  We then wanted another brake, so we stopped at the St. Paul's Festival Zone I then saw a Penney Farthing bicycle! I wanted to ride it but the queue was too long! We then finally finished the first lap. If you didn't know how long one lap is, it was 8 miles! Last time we did not even complete one lap! This time it took me 30 minuets to complete one lap but last time it took us 2 hours to complete 3 quarters! (That is a long time!).

We then did not feel tired so we did a second lap.We then saw the starting line again! I then knew that there is going to be a race for professionals! When I am older I will want to be a racing cyclist! I then felt a bit peckish for some crispy food! I was glad when my Dad bought me some crisps. After 20 minuets, we finished our second lap but we were still not tired so tried to do the third lap. I then saw nobody in front of me so cycled very fast! After some time we did the third lap and we stopped there. I felt very tired but happy.

We then made our way to the to the train and went back home.I still felt very hungry because I did not have anything to eat! We then went to an Indian take away to eat some spicy and mouth watering food. It was very exhausted!  I hope you enjoyed this blog and I will see you next time! Here is an easy math challenge: how many miles did I cycle?

Sunday 31 May 2015

Arrrrr...Land Ahoy! Pirate facts

Today I have written some interesting facts about pirates. I hope you enjoy them!

  • A pirate is a robber on sea. Pirates attack ships and ports stealing treasure and other goods. 
  • The Greek islands were home to some of the earliest known pirates because there were many cargo ships trading along the Mediterranean coast.

  • The Roman leader Pompei sent a huge fleet to wipe out the pirates of the Mediterranean.
  • When a pirate captain decided to attack, he raised a special flag. 

  • All pirates dreamed of gold and silver. Some were lucky enough to capture ships packed with them. 
  • Pirates often hid their treasure by burying it in a remote spot. Then they could dig it up later.

  • Violent storms and shipwrecks were a pirate's biggest nightmare
  • Some pirate captains had strict rules such as no fighting on-board and keeping candles burning after 8 o'clock in the night. Pirates who did not obey their captain were marooned. Marooning means when a pirate or person was left alone on a deserted island.
  • Edward Teach was the most terrifying pirate on the high seas and was better known as Blackbeard

  • Pirates are not a thing of the past. There are still plenty of pirates operating on the seas today. 

Monday 4 May 2015

My trip to the cinema

Yesterday I went to the cinema to watch a movie called Marvel Avengers: Age of Ultron and the movie was very long. The movie was two hours and twenty one minutes. The characters in the movie are Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Vision, Nicky Fury, Thor and Ultron.  My favourite of them all was Vision because I love the look of him and the crystal on his forehead looks valuable. My favourite part was when they were defeating Ultron. 

Did you know that Hulk abandoned the movie, that means he may never appear in Marvel movies in the future. 

When we were buying the tickets Dad also bought me a kid's meal and it had popcorn, Sprite and an Oreo and it was delicious.