Have you ever thought are world is full of dirt and oil? If you have, please carry on. This is all about WE NEED TO SAVE OUR PLANET! If you think the same here are some top tips about how to save our planet…..
PS SOHP stands for save our healthy planet!
1: Most of the time walk or ride your bicycle. This is because using a car can create POLLUTION. If we have pollution, we could easily die! We don’t want that! The reason I said a bicycle is because it is very easy to ride and is very healthy.
2: Do not cut down trees. This is because we need Oxygen to survive. Even though we need paper for are education, we can save paper and re use it every day!
3: Do not use electricity of it is not necessary. If you keep it on for so long there could be a fire in your house so be very careful when using electricity! Also when there is a fire, it could spread quickly. Wasting electricity creates pollution. 
4:Do not litter. Nearly 3 quarters of people around the world litter! If you litter, we would have a dirty world for are whole life and will not survive for long.
5: Give money to the poor so they can afford education and go to school. They can also afford computers and get to the internet.If we do not have education, I would not be writing this!
I hope I have inspired you to do all these things every day. Please help our world and we will live in a better place. BYEEEE
Do you agree or disagree? Please leave a comment comment about which one you think!!!